
Gain clarity on your MBA decision with a curated selection of ideas and insights from faculty and staff, alumni, and student leaders at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.

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Uncategorized | 4 MIN READ

Six fears students face when applying for an MBA (and how to overcome them)

Spiders. Public speaking. Heights. You probably recognize these common fears, but would you be surprised to learn that applying for an MBA also ...
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FT student for which mba schedule.jpg

Applying | 4 MIN READ

How to decide which MBA schedule is right for you

Business schools offer the option to study full-time or part-time so that there is a format to fit everybody—no matter where you are in your life or ...
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Justifying the cost of an MBA

MBA Benefits | 5 MIN READ

7 ways to justify the cost of an MBA to yourself, your partner, and your boss

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to pursue an MBA. But before you can proceed, you may need to think about the price tag and ensure you’re ...
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Applying | 3 MIN READ

Why right now is the time to apply for a Berkeley MBA

At the start of 2020, innovating was something companies did to stay competitive. Now, in the midst of a global pandemic, it’s something that ...
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Compare the Berkeley MBA Program Options

Same world-renowned faculty. Same global alumni network. Same top-ranked MBA.
Different schedules.

Compare Berkeley MBA Programs
A Berkeley EMBA student

Women in Leadership | 2 MIN READ

The value of an MBA for women aspiring to leadership

Many people think of an MBA simply as another qualification—a piece of paper to frame and hang on your office wall. While a degree from a quality MBA ...
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balanced stones

Women in Leadership | 2 MIN READ

How to get what you need to be a successful leader

No matter who you are, if you want someone to do something for you, the best way to achieve your goal is to simply ask. Unfortunately, for many of ...
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Women in Leadership | 2 MIN READ

The keys to shaping culture to foster gender equity

Unfortunately, the American workplace has not been making significant progress towards gender and racial equity. According to Catalyst, there are ...
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Truth torn paper sized for blog

Diversity and Inclusion | 2 MIN READ

Four myths that (still) get in the way of women and leadership

Surprisingly, almost two decades into the 21st century, there are still myths about women in business and leadership that get in the way of our ...
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paper boats with pink in the lead

Women in Leadership | 10 MIN READ

The gender gap at work: Real and pervasive, but not invincible

For decades we have known that there’s a significant and deeply-entrenched gender gap in the workplace—that women are paid less than men for doing ...
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Product Management | 3 MIN READ

How storytelling as a product manager helps you build great products

You may have thought "Once upon a time…" was primarily a way for parents to get children to sleep, but it turns out that stories can also be used to ...
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Earn your ROI while in School

Uncategorized | 5 MIN READ

5 ways to earn ROI before you complete your MBA

When many prospective applicants calculate the return on investment (ROI) of their Master in Business Administration (MBA) degree, they often use ...
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chou hall

Uncategorized | 2 MIN READ

Why business school? Berkeley Haas MBA students share their reasons

At its core, a decision to pursue an MBA is a decision to take ownership of one's career. We hear often from students about the desire to explore and ...
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MBA ROI commencement shot

MBA Benefits | 4 MIN READ

16 benefits of an MBA

Earning a professional business degree, or an MBA, can have a number of both expected and unexpected benefits in your life. In fact, those benefits ...
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campus shot for FT ranking

Uncategorized | 1 MIN READ

104% in 3 years: Haas FT ranking reflects alumni salary boost

Berkeley Haas alumni are among the highest paid MBAs in the world, with strong salary gains that helped Berkeley Haas rank #10 in the world and #7 ...
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Berkeley Haas EMBA students

Applying | 5 MIN READ

Secrets to crafting your best MBA application

Not to scare you off, but applying to an MBA program is a big deal. It takes a lot of planning, rigor, and yes, self-reflection. But, if you were ...
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