Events & Extracurricular

Marketing | 2 MIN READ

A coaching approach to leadership on the job, on the field, and on Zoom

Paulina Lee, MBA 22, cheerfully admits to being a tad obsessive about her calendar. She says she “ruthlessly prioritizes the best ROI and value for ...
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Finance Club-1

Finance | 3 MIN READ

Berkeley's Finance and FinTech clubs deepen the MBA experience

The Berkeley Haas MBA program has nearly 70 student-run clubs, ranging from just fun social groups like the Haas Beer Club to career-driven ...
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Women in Leadership | 2 MIN READ

How Elisabeth Diana went from Haas alumna to Instagram’s Head of Global Communications

Elisabeth Diana, MBA 08, is blunt when asked about her journey from business school to becoming head of Instagram Communications.
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Events & Extracurricular | 2 MIN READ

What we learned by taking a chance on innovating for Tesla

When the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth calls you with an opportunity to present a business case to a panel of Tesla judges, you answer! Even ...
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Compare the Berkeley MBA Program Options

Same world-renowned faculty. Same global alumni network. Same top-ranked MBA.
Different schedules.

Compare Berkeley MBA Programs
Warren Buffett trek 2017 group shot.jpg

Finance | 2 MIN READ

Tale of a modern-day Robin Hood: an MBA visit with Warren Buffett

On February 17th, a group of 20 Berkeley Haas MBA students from the Investment Club trekked to Omaha Nebraska to meet Warren Buffett. We came to ...
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Events & Extracurricular | 2 MIN READ

This time it’s personal: EWMBA students hack to fight Lyme disease

Photo, left to right: Team members Michael Cohn, Jose Luis Pacheco, Faith Kirkpatrick, and Shannon Herline, with Lia Gaertner of the Bay Area Lyme ...
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Events & Extracurricular | 2 MIN READ

Google's "perfect" teams reflect Berkeley MBA curriculum

Photo: Teamwork in action in the Cleantech to Market applied innovation course
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Finance | 1 MIN READ

Smooth Storytelling Earns Team Silver in Stock Pitch Competition

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Consulting | 2 MIN READ

3 Years After MBAs Consult, an Innovation Hub Opens in Bulgaria

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