Executive MBA

Build on your successes and accelerate your journey to becoming a leader you’d want to follow. Learn from accomplished colleagues invested in your success.

Funding MBA | 2 MIN READ

Conquering sticker shock: Insights into financing your EMBA, Part I

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Entrepreneurship | 2 MIN READ

Going to business school could turn you into an MBA entrepreneur

Above: Berkeley MBA startup Planet Murple aims to help kids each more vegetables
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Applying | 1 MIN READ

Video: Which Berkeley MBA program is right for you?

Choosing an MBA program is, in part, about finding the peer group and the program format that works best for you.
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Uncategorized | 2 MIN READ

How an MBA led to more meaningful work for Digital Green's Karin Lion

For many, being a program officer at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sounds like a dream job. And for Karin Lion, EMBA 15, it was – for eight ...
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Compare the Berkeley MBA Program Options

Same world-renowned faculty. Same global alumni network. Same top-ranked MBA.
Different schedules.

Compare Berkeley MBA Programs

Product Management | 2 MIN READ

Shaping your business school studies for a product management MBA

Part problem-solver, part storyteller, part trend analyst, and part entrepreneur, a product manager is part of putting The Next Big Thing in people's ...
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Applying | 2 MIN READ

Considering the best Executive MBA programs? 7 reasons to choose Haas

If you're a highly experienced professional considering pursuing an MBA, chances are you're looking at executive MBA programs, which let you continue ...
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Uncategorized | 1 MIN READ

To Find More Meaningful Work: Explore

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Uncategorized | 1 MIN READ

Why networking should be part of your search for more meaningful work

Networking is not a numbers game—how many connections you have on LinkedIn or names in your contact list. Algorithms can only take you so far. It is ...
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Applying | 1 MIN READ

Part-time MBA admissions tips: put the GMAT/GRE in perspective

For many applicants to top part-time MBA programs, gearing up to take the GMAT or GRE can be a nerve-wracking part of the admissions process. We get ...
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Uncategorized | 1 MIN READ

Managing your career for more meaningful work

Like all big decisions in life, making a career change in pursuit of more meaningful work can give you a whole spectrum of feelings—it can make you ...
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Applying | 1 MIN READ

Ready for an MBA? Why it's important to apply at the right time

You've probably heard people say that there is no magic formula for success; however, there is one component that most successful endeavors have in ...
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Alumni | 1 MIN READ

Leaders who redefine: Adobe CEO and Berkeley MBA Shantanu Narayen

Round out tech skills Shantanu Narayen earned a Master’s in Computer Science and holds five patents. He then earned his graduate business degree at ...
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