Energy & Cleantech

Mukund Chavan, EMBA '15

Energy & Cleantech | 2 MIN READ

Haas alum leverages curiosity into a cleantech career

It was 1986 and a teenaged Mukund Chavan, EMBA '15, landed on the East Coast from India deeply curious about the technology that was incubating ...
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Kyle Bertin, MBA 18

Energy & Cleantech | 3 MIN READ

Taking a big risk to do great things along a 100-year time horizon

How did a guy who launched his career trading derivatives during the great recession, then dove into hydraulic fracking, end up on the cutting edge ...
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Energy & Cleantech | 2 MIN READ

MBA Student Perspective: Sharing Haas with a partner

It wasn’t an easy decision to uproot my life—and my partner Ben’s life—to move across the country from Boston to pursue my MBA at Berkeley Haas.
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