Molly Bjorkman and husband Lars pose for camera

Entrepreneurship | 5 MIN READ

From the vineyard to the classroom: How a Haas student’s family is her business

The University of California, Berkeley is practically in the DNA of Molly Bjorkman, MBA 25. Pursuing her MBA at the Haas School of Business was a ...
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Students smile and pose atop of Chou Hall's Spieker Forum rooftop

MBA Benefits | 6 MIN READ

Beyond the screens: Fostering genuine connections in a digital space

Cultivating meaningful professional connections within a primarily online learning environment may seem like an insurmountable task. In many online ...
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Screen image capturing students in Flex MBA Zoom Classroom in action.


Tips for balancing work, education, family life while getting an MBA

Going back to school may look like an unrealistic option for a lot of people. Once you get to a certain point in life, other things seem more ...
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How to calculate the ROI of an MBA

While an MBA is a significant investment, it can also be a wise one. Here's one way to calculate the ROI.


MBA Benefits | 2 MIN READ

Seeking (and finding) a flexible approach to your MBA

“I always felt like Berkeley would be a perfect fit for me, but I was afraid it would be out of reach because it was far,” said Amanda Sultan, MBA ...
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Students in the Flex MBA program listen in classroom during their Leadership Communications weekend

MBA Benefits | 6 MIN READ

No business degree? An MBA is still possible

Having business skills is beneficial in a lot of jobs, but some undergraduate students don’t consider taking many, if any, classes in marketing, ...
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Entrepreneurship | 6 MIN READ

More than an MBA: Tony's journey from pharmacy to entrepreneurship

Tony Lee wanted more than just an MBA.
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Energy & Cleantech | 6 MIN READ

Flex option was the only option for a United States Marine

Going back to school is a big step for anyone, but it’s especially hard for those with work and family commitments. Everyday life can be overwhelming ...
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Alumni | 3 MIN READ

How connections made at Haas led three alumni to start investment firm Calvera Partners

Brian D. Milovich is a co-founder and managing principal at Calvera Partners, a hands-on real estate investment firm that invests their capital and ...
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Flex students smile together at Leadership Communications immersion weekend

Haas culture | 2 MIN READ

Collaboration is an easy stretch for Flex cohort

Will everyone else already know more than me? Who will be in my cohort? Will I be able to network?
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MBA Benefits | 9 MIN READ

Unique advantages of a flexible MBA program

It wasn’t that long ago that online MBA programs were looked down upon by students, employers, and even academic institutions. But, times have ...
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Finance | 3 MIN READ

An international student finds inspirational peers at Berkeley Haas

“I think there is general agreement that the most innovative minds in finance are in the U.S. So, it makes sense to study here, where you can learn ...
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Diversity and Inclusion | 5 MIN READ

An MBA student making a difference for underrepresented employees

A big part of what Kevin Ramirez, MBA 25, does is stand up for others. His job is to make sure that no matter what someone’s background is, they ...
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