Haas culture

Headshot of Kyle Bell, MBA 25

Haas culture | 3 MIN READ

A competitor relishes collaboration and the Berkeley Haas culture

There are probably as many reasons for getting an MBA as there are MBA students. For Kyle Bell, MBA 25, the “right” reason was realizing the large ...
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Alumni | 3 MIN READ

How connections made at Haas led three alumni to start investment firm Calvera Partners

Brian D. Milovich is a co-founder and managing principal at Calvera Partners, a hands-on real estate investment firm that invests their capital and ...
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Flex students smile together at Leadership Communications immersion weekend

Haas culture | 2 MIN READ

Collaboration is an easy stretch for Flex cohort

Will everyone else already know more than me? Who will be in my cohort? Will I be able to network?
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Video still image of Shilpa Worlikar smiling in Berkeley Haas video.

Haas culture | 3 MIN READ

How the Berkeley Haas leadership principles define the MBA experience

You don’t have to talk long with a Berkeley Haas MBA student to realize what they discovered—sometimes to their surprise: The fourDefining Leadership ...
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Compare the Berkeley MBA Program Options

Same world-renowned faculty. Same global alumni network. Same top-ranked MBA.
Different schedules.

Compare Berkeley MBA Programs

Haas culture | 7 MIN READ

The Berkeley Haas scholarship guide for full-time and part-time MBA students

Scholarships provided by Haas give financial flexibility to students who are ready to continue pursuing their passion for business education. By ...
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Entrepreneurship | 3 MIN READ

Is the Berkeley MBA a good fit for you? Ask yourself these four questions to find out

Your life is filled with choices. Some—soup or salad with my sandwich at lunch?—are routine. Others—would an MBA help me achieve my career ...
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Bay Area MBA-2

Haas culture | 3 MIN READ

Seven things every student should know about the MBA program at Berkeley

Potential MBA candidates are likely taking a broad approach when choosing the ideal program and school. After all, your time spent obtaining an MBA ...
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Adrian Williams, MBA 18

Finance | 2 MIN READ

For Adrian Williams, MBA 18, his MBA was about sharpening a blade in his tool set

Adrian Williams is fresh from working on a slew of deals at Credit Suisse where he is a dedicated investment banker. But whatever you do, don’t put ...
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Haas culture | 6 MIN READ

Student perspective: Leading in a time of political turmoil

When Sharifa Dunn woke up Nov. 9, 2016, the first big news she got was that Donald Trump had been elected president of the United States.
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courtyard QSQ for haas highlights video.jpg

Haas culture | 1 MIN READ

The Berkeley-Haas Highlights Reel

From our Nobel Prize winners to our Defining Principles and from top-ranked programs to boundary-pushing faculty and pioneering alumni, here is a ...
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Entrepreneurship | 2 MIN READ

MBA student perspective: choosing a graduate degree to maximize my social impact

As I began thinking about graduate school, I knew I wanted to choose a program that would help me combine my two passions: entrepreneurship and ...
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Haas culture | 3 MIN READ

Humans of Haas podcast: Two MBA love stories

Tianyi Ma, MBA 17, and Joanna-Xiaojun Guo, MBA 18, fell in love and married in China before Tianyi enrolled in the full-time Berkeley MBA; when ...
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