
Gain clarity on your MBA decision with a curated selection of ideas and insights from faculty and staff, alumni, and student leaders at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.

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Uncategorized | 4 MIN READ

Six fears students face when applying for an MBA (and how to overcome them)

Spiders. Public speaking. Heights. You probably recognize these common fears, but would you be surprised to learn that applying for an MBA also ...
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FT student for which mba schedule.jpg

Applying | 4 MIN READ

How to decide which MBA schedule is right for you

Business schools offer the option to study full-time or part-time so that there is a format to fit everybody—no matter where you are in your life or ...
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Justifying the cost of an MBA

MBA Benefits | 5 MIN READ

7 ways to justify the cost of an MBA to yourself, your partner, and your boss

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to pursue an MBA. But before you can proceed, you may need to think about the price tag and ensure you’re ...
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Applying | 3 MIN READ

Why right now is the time to apply for a Berkeley MBA

At the start of 2020, innovating was something companies did to stay competitive. Now, in the midst of a global pandemic, it’s something that ...
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Compare the Berkeley MBA Program Options

Same world-renowned faculty. Same global alumni network. Same top-ranked MBA.
Different schedules.

Compare Berkeley MBA Programs
Élida Bautista speaking at the 2022 Berkeley Haas Diversity Symposium.

Social Impact | 3 MIN READ

Use your inner strengths and community to tame impostor syndrome

“It can be uncomfortable when you are the first, or one of only a few people, to take your place in a space not built for you, or worse, in a space ...
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Finance | 3 MIN READ

4 ways to approach b-school thoughtfully

Mikhael Abebe graduated from the Berkeley Haas full-time MBA program in 2018. His original post is published on the Management Leadership for ...
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Applying | 4 MIN READ

Eight things to look for when searching for an MBA program

Everyone has a different motivation for getting an MBA. Perhaps you want to take on a more challenging role or increase your current salary. Maybe ...
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Shared office space behind a glass-walled conference room displaying Flowcast's logo

Alumni | 8 MIN READ

Five key lessons in building a startup

Ken So is the founder and CEO of Flowcast (Tillful), an SF-based fintech startup that provides an AI-based credit solution to help small businesses ...
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Applying | 3 MIN READ

How to describe your career aspirations in your MBA application

Many of us think about and set goals for each new year. Goal-setting is important for moving forward in life, relationships, and career. If you’re ...
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Diversity and Inclusion | 3 MIN READ

How to reframe your thinking to overcome imposter syndrome

When deciding whether or not to pursue an MBA, the biggest obstacle for Laura Teclemariam, EMBA 18, was her own self-doubt. She pushed through her ...
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Applying | 2 MIN READ

How to strengthen your MBA application: a step-by-step guide

This year we’ve put extra focus on giving you the tools you need to submit your best application. We hope these resources will help demystify the MBA admissions process.
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Applying | 3 MIN READ

Berkeley Haas MBA students share tips for improving your GMAT quant score

If you’ve already started looking into the admissions process for a Berkeley Haas MBA, you know you need a good score on the Quantitative section of ...
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Applying | 3 MIN READ

What can you contribute to an MBA class?

One of Berkeley Haas’ Defining Leadership Principles is Beyond Yourself. When working to shape our world ethically and responsibility, Beyond ...
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Applying | 6 MIN READ

The online GMAT/GRE/EA: what to expect and how to succeed

Updated June 17, 2022 - While test centers have reopened, some prospective MBA students are still choosing to take their admissions exams online.
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Women in Leadership | 3 MIN READ

How women can find mentors in the workplace

Most would agree connecting with the right mentor can help propel your career. Studies show women who have a mentor get more promotions, achieve ...
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