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Where Are Our Alumni Now? Catching Up With MFE15 Alumnus Chad Wildman

By Linda Kreitzman   |   Feb 02, 2018
Do you have a promotion story to share with us? The MFE loves to hear them! We like to share them with our students because they can learn about the path alumni take after completing their MFE degree.

Where Are Our Alumni Now? MFE10 Alumnus Jiwon Park, Managing Director

By Linda Kreitzman   |   Nov 07, 2017
Berkeley MFE graduate Jiwon Park has an extensive academic and professional profile. He graduated summa cum laude with his BA in Economics from Seoul National University, and dedicated an additional year at the...

A Passion for Robo-Advising

By Linda Kreitzman   |   Oct 11, 2017
Juan Rassa, MFE17, had a specific goal when coming to the MFE Program at Berkeley in March of 2016. He was going to get his MFE degree, work as a data scientist, and in his spare time, he would build a robo-adv...

MFE to Facebook: An alumnus leverages his degree for a position in data science

By Linda Kreitzman   |   May 31, 2017
Juan received his Bachelor of Electronics Engineering and Economics from Andes University and then went on to earn a Master’s degree in Economics. For Juan, the Berkeley MFE was the perfect program to help jump...