Why Berkeley-Haas? How Full-time MBA Students Made Their Decisions

By Morgan Bernstein

Deciding where to go to business school is a highly individual choice, with students choosing based on such things as course offerings, culture, network strength, and the caliber of faculty and fellow students. We asked some of the students in the full-time Berkeley MBA program why they chose Haas:


Berkeley-Haas full-time MBA student Stacey Chin, MBA 16“When I visited, I was struck by how warm and welcoming the students were. They were eager to answer my questions and to get to know me. Everyone took such obvious pride in the community here. You can find smart, capable people anywhere. Here, you find smart, capable people who are also humble. That humility, the Confidence Without Attitude, makes all the difference.” —Stacey Chin




Berkeley-Haas full-time MBA student Sandeep Pahuja, MBA 15“The Bay Area is the epicenter of the new. Every week you read about some new venture. Innovation is pervasive.” — Sandeep Pahuja






BerkeleyMBA student Katie Benintende, MBA 15“I wanted a business school with a serious technical bent. Berkeley-Haas has that. Plus, it’s one of the 48 of graduate schools at UC Berkeley—out of 52—ranked in the top 10 for its discipline.” —Katie Benintende





Berkeley MBA student Matt Richards, MBA 15“Berkeley-Haas offers so many more opportunities in brand management than other business schools. The resources here go far beyond consumer package goods, although that avenue is open if it interests you.” —Matt Richards





Berkeley MBA student Steve Weddle, MBA 15“There’s such a sense of big thinking in the Bay Area. People are more willing to take risks, to do things differently or better. Also, like the military, this is a place that lives by its core values, only here they’re called Defining Principles.” —Steve Weddle





Berkeley-Haas Full-time MBA student Megan Bradfield, MBA 15“I remember sitting on a sunny bench in the courtyard with an admissions officer, still wearing my Chicago-winter boots. Student after student greeted her, and she knew everyone’s name. That’s when I knew Berkeley-Haas was for me: warm weather and warm friendships.” —Megan Bradfield





Berkeley-Haas MBA/MPH  15 student Crystan Allan

“I knew that I wanted to go to a Top 10 business school. I also knew cultural fit would be important for me. The Haas Defining Principles set the program apart and once I started talking with students, alumni, and staff I knew this was where I wanted to study.” —Crystan Allan 





To find more on why our full-time MBA students choose Berkeley-Haas, what their experiences are like, and what they want to do next, see our student profiles. 

Why Berkeley-Haas?  See Student Profiles and Find Out


Posted on October 30, 2015
Themes: Applying
Morgan Bernstein
Morgan was the Executive Director of Full-time MBA Admissions at Haas from 2016-2019 as well as a graduate of the program. She enjoys making personal connections with prospective students and guiding them through the MBA admission process.